Covid-19 Goat Yoga Class Update

Classes are now up and running!
In responce to current CDC recommendations, we want to help prevent any spread of COVID-19. All mats are sanitized with bleach, and hand santizer is available at every class. We are changing up our class so that everyone has space to be away from others, if they choose, and will still have lots of goat experiences! We will continue to monitor updates and adjust accordingly. Thank you, and stay healthy!
Arizona Goat Yoga is located at Welcome Home Ranch, in Gilbert Arizona. We hold classes outdoors, in beautiful open pasture, overlooking San Tan Mountains. Individuals will have enough room to have their own personal space, while still enjoying their “Goat Experience”.
COVID-19 has been declared a world wide pandemic, and is extremely contagious. Coronavirus spreads through person to person contact, and for that reason, we cannot guarantee you or your family, will not become infected. Going Outside, and in public places, increases your risk of contracting Coronavirus.
Please take caution, and do not attend if you or anyone you have been in contact with, has had symptoms of Covid-19. Symptoms Include: Fever, difficulty breathing, coughing, sore throat, and nausea. There are no refunds, however, Those needing to reschedule due to symptoms, will recieve a two week extension on their ticket.
By attending a class, I acknowledge the serious nature of COVID-19, and assume all risks of myself, and/or my child(ren), as stated in the Liability Waiver.